Light from our phones is bad for sleep.
We've all heard that, right? But why is screen time so detrimental to our sleep and health?
It's because the blue light these screens emit directly affects our sleep/ wake cycle
Blue light is a spectrum of light that comes from your phone and other screens, so if you're like most people, you're probably spending a lot of time with your eyes glued to these screens before bed.
And while it might seem like a good idea at first—after all, who doesn't want to scroll through social media or watch a movie while they wind down for bed—it turns out that blue light actually has a major impact on your sleep cycle.
The problem is that even if we want to limit screen time before bed, many people use apps on their phones to help them sleep: things like guided meditation, ASMR videos, or white noise to ease them into a state of mental and physical relaxation.
Plus, many people use their phones for setting alarms, or plug their phones to their chargers…
So, how can we make sure blue light levels don’t affect our sleep? First, let’s look at why blue light is so disruptive to our sleep…
The Science Behind Light and Sleep
As you probably know, your body has an internal clock. This clock, called the circadian rhythm, works like a 24-hour biological timer: it influences many functions, but most importantly it regulates your sleep/wake cycle.
The circadian rhythm relies on daylight and darkness to adjust itself. Your body uses those wavelengths as signals to trigger the release of hormones like cortisol (which wakes you up) or melatonin(which helps you sleep).
And of all the types of visible light emitted from the sun, what kind most affects us?
Blue light has the shortest wavelength of any visible light. That means it has more energy than other colors, and that's also why it can keep you awake.
We interpret blue light as if it were coming from the sun, so our brains are tricked into feeling like it's daytime even at night.
What You Might Not Know About Blue Light...
Blue light is emitted by many sources—not just the sun or your smartphone. It’s also emitted from light bulbs, including street lights, and screens from any electronics, including e-readers and your TV.
With so many different sources, it’s no surprise that this seemingly harmless light can impact you even when you’re avoiding screen time.
But interestingly, it is also possible to harness the positive effects of blue light
In fact, exposure to blue light during the day helps you stay alert and improves your overall mood—it even helps those with seasonal depression.
But, as we’ve learned, using electronic devices that emit blue light long after the sun goes down will deprive you of the restorative sleep your body needs.
And sleep deprivation doesn’t just make you tired…
It negatively affects your mood and health and can cause you to gain weight.

Managing Your Blue Light
To avoid blue light, plan ahead. Set your morning alarms earlier in the day and transition from screen activities to non-screen activities, like reading, at least 2-3 hours before you’d like to fall asleep.
If you can't get away from blue light at night, here are some things that may help: using glasses with special lenses or filters (these make it so your eyes don’t have to work as hard), adjusting the brightness on devices, and turning on “night mode”—an option many apps offer.
It can be frustrating trying all these methods of blue light obstruction and still not get enough quality sleep.
So, what can you do if blocking out blue light just isn’t working?
The Easy, All-Natural Option
If you're like most people with sleep problems, you've probably tried cutting out blue light to improve your sleep.
And if you're like most people, it’s probably very difficult. Blue light is everywhere!
But don't worry, there’s an easier option…
It’s called SleepPak.
SleepPak is an all-natural sleep aid with no side effects engineered by experts to give you the best night’s sleep possible.
And the best part? SleepPak helps you get a full night's sleep without leaving you feeling hungover the next morning. You'll wake feeling well-rested and ready to seize the day!
Great sleep is just a click away…
Click here to try SleepPak today!